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Review of Helmholtz Cloud Service Portfolio completed

First regular Service Portfolio Review completed

In January 2022, the first regular Service Portfolio Review started and was completed in March.

More than a year has passed since the initial Helmholtz Cloud Service Portfolio was announced in October 2020. In the meantime, a lot has happened: 22 services can already be used via the Helmholtz Cloud Portal; the processes around the Service Portfolio were worked out and documented in the Process Framework and thus we agreed on the rules along the whole service lifecycle.

Now it was time to conduct the first regular review of the Helmholtz Cloud Service Portfolio and put our Service Portfolio Review process into practice.

During the review of the services in the portfolio, the following points are checked:

  • Services in the service catalogue (=listed in the Helmholtz Cloud Portal).
    • Each service still meets the exclusion criteria (=subset of the service selection criteria).
  • Serviced in the service pipeline (=upcoming services)
    • Each service still meets the exclusion criteria
    • Re-evaluation of the weighting criteria
  • Service Selection criteria
    • Check whether criteria are still fitting and add/change/delete criteria if necessary
  • Service Portfolio processes
    • Check whether Service Portfolio processes are still fitting and add/change processes and Process Framework if necessary

The process was carried out smoothly

For each service in the service pipeline and in the service catalogue, the cloud service providers reviewed a set of service information. Due to the adjusted service selection criteria since the initial service selection, service providers added information that was not yet given and adapted information that changed in the meantime.

The results were evaluated and incorporated

The following changes have come out of the review:

The Portfolio is kept up to date

The next regular review is planned for October 2022, so that both the feedback from the HIFIS evaluation in September can be incorporated and the review results can be used as part of the next HIFIS Annual Report.