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Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative call out!

The Helmholtz Association has launched an ambitious initiative to harness the recent advancements in AI and the rise of “Foundation Models”.

The Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative (HFMI) aspires to lead in creating generic AI models for a variety of research domains.

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Several recent examples demonstrated the potential of foundation models, e.g. RETFound, Segment Anything and IBM NASA Geospatial. The program aims to establish domain-focused pilot foundation projects with a clear path to transform research data into high-impact tools for scientific discovery.

This call, launched yesterday, initiates our search for the highest-impact pilot foundation projects within the Helmholtz Association.

Through this call, we wish to extend an opportunity to all Helmholtz researchers to apply for pilot foundation projects, inviting them to take part in the Helmholtz Foundation Model initiative with their specific existing datasets, related research questions, and unique foundation model approach. HFMI will facilitate the pairing of domain and AI experts where required.

HFMI info event

An info event is organised next week on Thursday, 08.02.2024, 11:00-12:00. It will provide a brief overview of the call for proposals, deadlines and requirements as well as the scientific approach and explains in detail what the Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative is looking for.

Match-making Event

A match-making event will follow on Thursday, 15.02.2024, 10:00 – 12:00. It will help bring AI experts, HPC experts and domain scientist together to form competetive consortia for the Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative.

More information

The call, preparation instructions and proposal template can be found in the call for application page of Helmholtz.