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Start of Helmholtz VPN

Coordinated by DESY, HIFIS fostered a service agreement with the German National Research and Education Network (DFN) on operating a a Helmholtz-wide Virtual Private Network (Helmholtz Backbone). The VPN shall cover the majority of Helmholtz centres. Currently 14 centres have agreed on the contract. Besides DESY, these are: AWI, GEOMAR, KIT, GSI, UFZ, HZB, GFZ, HZI, DKFZ, HZDR, hereon (formerly HZG), MDC, and HMGU (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt, Neuherberg).

FZJ is fostering a separate agreement, in coordination with the other centres.

By September, the first pilot VPN installations are being set-up between DESY, DKFZ, KIT, and HZDR.

By January 2021, it is expected to have the first production Virtual Private Network (Helmholtz Backbone) connections running (see HIFIS Roadmap).

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